Saturday 19 June 2010

June's mid month spending update

In a previous post I set myself a Grocery Challenge of £100 a month for June. I actually did this without checking the existing receipts. Come to think of it, we haven't checked our spending in any category. So, with my fingers crossed, here's the totals of our spending so far this month.




Non-car travel

Cats + hedgehogs + chickens

Birthdays etc
£5.50 (cards for Father's Day and BIL birthday)

Takeaways, treats and entertainment
£10.00 - KFC (see this mornings post)
£7.60 - beer and snacks, Le Mans gathering at BIL

Renovations + garden work

I'm really chuffed with the food budget. It makes me feel a little better about the KFC last night.

Finally managed to get some meter readings done and its provided food for thought. Since Thursday we've used twelve units of electricity. We've used no gas.

Hmmm...actually we must have used gas because I had a shower yesterday and the hot water has to be heated by the boiler. I think perhaps that the last unit on the electric meter - which isn't used for the meter reading as it measure 1/10th of a unit - must have been near zero and the shower didn't use enough gas to use a full unit. I washed the dishes using the dishwasher, which I assumed took water from the boiler, but it may just have a thermostat that heats the water. Hubby and I rarely run the hot tap long when washing so the water we use is barely hot and the boiler hasn't been running that long.

If I'm honest, I'm really pleased. I might try and go for a NGD again tomorrow and do a curry in the slow cooker. Mind you, I'm thinking about pancakes tomorrow morning which will be done on the stove top. I'll see how I feel in the morning. After dinner at my parents-in-law, hubby now has some leftovers tucked away for lunch on Monday and there's some leftover saladings for the chickens which they will love.

And finally, frugal find of the day someone was giving away free tomato plants at the end of their drive. I took six and hubby is going back tomorrow with half a dozen eggs for them to say thank you. The chickens will be delighted - they do love their tomatoes on a hot summer's day and it seems to refresh them. And they look very cute with tomato seeds all over their beaks.

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