Tuesday 15 June 2010

Update 15/6

Less than 24 hours later and I've had to put some money on the credit cards.

I had to go to a meeting today, where I picked up £200 project but I had to find a £12 train fare to get there.

Onto the egg card it went. Then an email came through that a monthly subscription to an online networking community had gone through. Another £4.99.

However, I did pay for my bus fare to the station and then to the meeting in cash (£4.65) that hubby ruffed from his top pocket, and the client paid for my cups of tea. Hubby picked me up after so no expense there except for some mileage to record for business expenses.

On a good note, I picked up an extra bit more work today - an additional £50 from the client that I was waiting for a £75 deposit from. That takes his job from £150 to £200.

So at the end of today credit card 1 has gone up by £17.69 to £6,835.44.

However I've picked up an extra £400 of work to do before the end of June, £100 of which is being paid by BACS into current account 2 as a deposit.

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