Wednesday 16 June 2010

Frugal meal - liver and onions with red wine

I never used to be a huge fan of liver until I discovered this baked recipe. My previous attempts using a pan on the stove top were ok, but resulted in liver that was a tiny bit too hard and stodgy at the end, and had a thick feel in your mouth. Once I started baking it and adding red wine, the liver became beautifully soft with no thick taste. In the past I've added some bacon if I've had it, but unfortunately at the moments tasty little extras like this are outside my budget unless I have some money left over at the end of the month.

Recipe for 4 (although we eat the lot!)

Two medium onions (around 7.5p)
One pack of lamb's liver (92p for 400g)
A generous glug of red wine (I usually use 'cooking' wine, that is wine that is a bit too vinegary to enjoy on its own. Friends and family are only too willing to let me have theirs so for me this bit is always free!)
A palmful of fresh thyme (free from garden)
Plain flour for coating the liver (so little it's less than a penny)
Salt and pepper

Total cost: 99.5p

Slice the onions and lay on the bottom of a lightly greased baking dish. Coat the liver in the flour which has been seasoned with salt and pepper. Lay this in the dish. splash over the red wine and add the fresh thyme. Take a spoon and mix it all together, then shake the dish until the ingredients settle into a layer. Cook for around 30 minutes in the oven at Gas mark 6, covering with foil if necessary if it looks like it's cooking too quickly.

Now, tonight for a change I decided to try and cook this in the slow cooker and make today one of my No Gas days. I've also added some extra veggies - some mushrooms and courgette - that are getting a bit old in the bottom of fridge.

After an hour on high, I can honestly say this is a no-go. It has cooked too quickly - far quicker than the veggies - and has that thick taste that I'm not keen on. I've had to rescue it by adding more water, half a stock cube and some cornflour to make a casserole served with boiled potatoes. It was ok, but I wasn't overly keen. I won't be cooking liver like this again!

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